Ports of Call

New York City, Baltimore, Charleston, Savannah, Turks & Caicos, LaRomana (Dominican Rep), Curacao, Aruba, Ft. Lauderdale, Samana (Dominican Rep), Virgin Gorda, St. Barts, Guadeloupe (French West Indies), Bonaire, Montego Bay (Jamaica), Grand Cayman, New Orleans, Cozumel, Ocho Rios (Jamaica), San Juan, Tortola, Key West, Martinique, Miami

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

We're Off

Emergency Emergency!  We were on schedule to have an uneventful departure to begin our trip. 

The morning started with a 3:30am wake up time. Deborah picked us up at 4:15am for a quick trip to the airport. We waited in line to check our bags for a good 45 minutes (Delta was operating with a skeleton crew until 5am), and then a fast trip through security, where I was X-rayed, fondled and groped. Michael and I were both assigned middle seats so I asked the gate agent if there was a chance to get an aisle seat as I have to get up frequently to stretch my new knee.  Bingo!  At the last moment, I got an aisle seat. The plane pushed back on time. So far so good.

We were sitting on the tarmac waiting to go when the pilot announced there was smoke in the cabin and there had been an electrical fire in the first class cabin OVEN. Not to worry, the fire was quickly extinguished. But back to the gate we had to go. The fire truck was waiting, with lights a blazing. Firemen came aboard to check the cause and damage. The repair crew was there too.  Now I am no snob, but we had to wait for a new oven to be installed. Heaven forbid that first class not get their hot meal, while the cattle in back were lucky to buy a cold snack. The delay cost us an hour, one unnecessary hour sitting in cramped and uncomfortable conditions.  I hate flying.  Check out the one freebie that was offered to us!  Its a good thing I packed our own snacks.   



We arrived in New York at JFK airport only 45 minutes late.  A representative from Crystal was there at baggage claim waiting for us.  We claimed our bags and went outside to find our limo waiting for us!  Sweet!  We were the only passengers in the limo.  Our driver was gregarious and we had a lovely tour of the Van Wyck expressway going about 15 mile per hour.  He got on and off the expressways, always looking for the best (least amount of traffic) route.  We passed by Michael's old stomping grounds of Forest Hills, drove through Harlem and saw the Apollo Theater and the Cotton Club.  The day was windy and cool, but sunny.  The driver delivered us right to the door of the terminal.  Total elapsed driving time was 1 hour 15 minutes.  New York drivers are fearless.  

We arrived at the ship, checked in and were informed that since we missed the mandatory lifeboat drill, we needed to do it at 8pm.  No matter how many times you have done this, you have to do it each time you board a ship.  We made our way to the same cabin we had last year; uuugggghhh.  Our room is right over the showroom stage, where we get to hear the rehearsals and shows whether we want to or not.  By this time, it was 6pm and we were famished.  Our bags arrived to our room at the same time we did.  Wow!  That has never happened before.  We needed to change out of jeans before heading to the dining room.  We had a nice dinner with enjoyable companions.  

We also saw some old friends!  We were delighted to see our Petra companions, Jay and Carol.  We will catch up with Barry and Christine tomorrow.  After dinner, we got our life jackets and went to the casino to do our lifeboat drill.  Here we are sitting with life jackets ON IN THE CASINO at the very same time people were walking by to go to the show.  Some one asked if we were expecting bad weather; Michael said we were in remedial lifeboat drill school because we flunked first drill.  Ha ha ha.  You gotta laugh at the sight.  

It was early to bed.  It was an exhausting day, but a day that went without too many hitches.

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